Monday, May 18, 2009


Things Addison can do:
•Sit up
•Stand for a few minutes with assistance
•Stand without assistance if leaning on something for support
•Pull herself up on pretty much any object to a standing position (she especially likes her crib and the coffee table for this)
•If you hold your hands out, she will grab onto them and pull herself up with little to no effort on your part - she does most of the work.
•Hold her own bottle
•Hold items – like teethers, toys, cell phones, remote controls, anything that sparkles or makes noise…..
•Put her feet in her mouth
•She knows her name and will turn in your direction when you call her name or speak to her.
•She follows you with her head/eyes when you enter and leave a room.
•She hasn't started saying words yet, but she does babble, growl, gurgle, inhale and squeak quite a bit. Recently, she has also started hissing…something like a vampire!
•She smiles at herself in the mirror.
•She can wave her hand, although I don’t think she knows what it means.
•Sleep through the night!!! 7pm to 7am (This has only happened about 5 times…..but it is great!!!)
•She can ride in a shopping cart and sit in a high chair now.
•She's eating between 24 - 36 oz./day and eating solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
•Solids she has eaten - sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, peas, applesauce, prunes, squash, carrots, rice cereal, oatmeal, and puffs.
•Favorite solids: Pears, prunes, and puffs
•Least favorite solids: peas and carrots
•I love her.


Katie S. said...

Addison is getting to be such a big girl!

Andrea said...

That is a lot of milestones Addison....your getting so big and still cute as a bug!! We miss you!!