Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lovin' Rice Cereal!

                                   Night 2
   "Loading the Canon" 

Last week I went to pick Addison up from her day care and her teacher asked me if we had started Addie on cereal.  We had been waiting until she could finish 32 - 36 ounces of her bottles each day, and she hadn't gotten there yet, but she was getting close.  Her teacher told me that she thought she was ready, so after talking to Daddy about it, we decided to start our spring break off with Addison first taste of rice cereal.

She could not get enough of it!  As soon as we would take the spoon out of her mouth, she would dive with her whole head toward the spoon because the cereal wasn't coming fast enough.  When the spoon finally made it back into her mouth, she had to make sure the food was there to stay by inserting her 3 middle fingers into her mouth and pushing it back as far as it would go.  Derek now calls this "loading her canon."  Addison then decided that diving toward the spoon wasn't enough and began pounding both of her fists on the tray of the high chair demanding more.  The whole debacle was very entertaining.  Needless to say, Addison and the high chair were completely covered in cereal.  Both of them received a bath immediately following the meal.  Night 2 was just as entertaining!

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