Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4 Months Old!

Well, first and foremost, things with little Addison are stupendous.  Wonderful. Amazing.  She is such an incredible little baby and I treasure every day  we have together.  It is such an experience to see how she changes by the day, what she learns, and how she grows.  Or rather, how we grow together.  It's true.  I learn more about her every day, which changes how we handle things - what kind of schedule to put in place, what amuses her, when she gets tired/hungry/bored.  She change so much too!  Her random smiles have turned into real responses...she loves funny faces and funny voices.  When she wakes up in the morning or from a nap and is refreshes, she is so proud of herself and can't stop smiling.  

We celebrated her 4 month birthday on Sunday!  She wasn't much in the mood for pictures, but she alllowed us one behind the scenes shot.
On Monday, Addison had her 4 month check up.  She weighed in at 13 pounds 9 ounces (40%),  measured 24.25 inches (75%) and her head has certainly grown to a whopping 40.25 inches (60%).  I can't believe how much she has grown!


Andy, Sarah, Owen & Kendal said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten! We need to get together!

Brittney Mobley said...

Wow~the time has flown by!!! Addison has gotten so big and is sooo beautiful! I am so glad things are going so well for you! Babies are the best things ever, huh?!?!